Who Does Every Look from Marie Antoinette to Zelda Fitzgerald? OMG Does, That’s Who

“Special occasion” to us at OMG means anything from your–or your daughter’s–bat mitzvah to an elaborate costume party gala. Nobody is more experienced, or as perfectionistic, about special occasion hair and makeup than OMG.


12935_167370782452_6742578_nMaurice says: “We do contemporary glamour like nobody’s business. Christina, OMG’s makeup artist, is a genius, and she’s also an amazing listener who fully absorbs what her clients are requesting while internally, she’s also considering the color and shape of outfit for the special event, shape of our client’s face, her personality–everything.

“All our stylists work together with our client and Christina so that the overall look is a cohesive masterpiece–carefully designed so that all elements complement each other.

If an event calls for a very specialized look, however, I’ll handle almost all these appointments myself because special techniques are required that most stylists just don’t know how to do unless they’ve been working for as long as I have or have a background in the entertainment industry. Luckily, I have both! 


“For example, we can do period make-up and hair–meaning, historically accurate. I once did a Marie Antoinette for a costume event–the elaborate 18th-Century hair and make-up–the whole portrait! She looked fabulous!


“I can also do all kinds of retro hair-styles–that 1960s Mary Quant look, for example, or a 1920’s Louise Brooks bob–and the makeup that is designed to go with the look.



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